NCPS | New Scam Alert

On 17/09/2017 23:46, Robert Gary wrote:

Do you provides therapy to individuals of all ages? Please tell me your...

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From: Robert Gary


Thank you for the email. I am seeking for individual counseling services for my daughter. I got your name while searching through your location for a private therapist, my daughter is coming to your area, she will stay for 4 weeks and i will like to know if you can help in counseling her one-on-one sessions. Her name is Katrina, she is 19 years old, i have someone that will always picks her up from home stay and drops her off for her counseling and take her back to the home stay. So kindly let me know your charges cost per hour in order for me to arrange for her payment before she travels down to your area soon, i did not have insurance that cover the cost. She will be staying for 4 weeks, she will be available at any times/days schedules for the counseling starting from Oct 4th, 2017. You can take her on any day convenient for you for 60 minutes counseling a day, 2 time per week for 4 weeks. You can just take her at your convenient schedule. I hope to read back from you soon.

Thank you,


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